How Do You Get Over Heartbreak Without Years of Grief?


Heartbreak is tough to deal with. No matter the extent of your heartbreak, you can end up feeling seriously negative emotions. Perhaps you can’t fall asleep as easily, you experience physical repercussions, or you find that your personal and professional lives both see a dip. These are, unfortunately, common elements when your heart is broken.

Just because you currently feel bad, though, it doesn’t mean you’ll feel this way forever. A lot of people experience heartbreak, which means a lot of people want to know how to come out of heartbreak. If you’re seeking an easier way to get past this feeling of despair, here are quick, straightforward tips to get over heartbreak.

Understand That Getting Over Severe Heartbreak Can Be Harder

Your personal journey of getting over heartbreak will, of course, be individual. However, the key factor (which will impact how you recover) is the experience that broke your heart. Was it someone you were dating for a few months, or someone you’ve been married to for decades? Was your breakup especially sudden, or did you sort of see it coming? 

Every bad breakup can require time to heal, but especially serious breakups may cause you to go through all five stages of grief. That emotional pain can be more difficult to bear.

Recognize That the Idea of How to Forget a Heartbreak Is Misguided

When thinking about how to get over heartbreak, the first thought of most people is whether they’ll ever be able to forget the experience. This is often an unhelpful way to deal with heartbreak. Instead of trying to erase all the time you spent with your former partner, you must allow yourself to feel all the emotions of that previous relationship. 

Only though holding onto those emotions without pain will you ever regain your personal power. Your goal shouldn’t be to forget your experience; it should be to build on it.

Utilize Several Methods of How to Process Heartbreak

There are many ways to overcome heartache and move past grief. Even if you’re interested in a specific method of dealing with the pain, it’s wise to seek out other options too. You can try mindfulness meditation, look into online therapy programs, or start taking supplements with the help of your doctor. 

To move forward, it may take all of these methods, none of these methods, or a combination of them. It’s about what works best for you.

Learn That “How to Get Through Heartbreak Pain” and “How to Get Past a Heartbreak” Are Two Different Questions

There’s a difference between (A) the acute pain that you’re experiencing due to a romantic relationship ending, and (B) the impact on your mind-body connection that it can cause. If you’re feeling specific pain over the end of your relationship, it’s worth trying to practice selfcare, spend time with friends and loved ones, and generally take care of yourself. 

However, the question of “How do you get over heartbreak in general?” is much more complicated. You may need to talk with relationship experts and possibly attend online therapy. Here are 7 quick tips to try today.

Know That the Best Way to Get Over Heartbreak Can Vary

Different broken-hearted people have different methods of how to get through heartbreak. It’s much like how different people have different relationships with their romantic partners. Even if your best friend went through a similar breakup, that doesn’t mean their solutions must apply to you, or that you should recover at their pace. 

Of course, there are some approaches that are pretty universal: you need to give yourself time, you need to stop beating yourself up, and you need to allow yourself to feel sad. However, beyond this, there are many routes, and you’re not obligated or expected to take any one path.

Set Your Sights on Getting Over Heartbreak and Becoming Stronger

Some people are more likely to sit in their heartbreak and have difficulty getting out of it. Be honest with yourself: when you’re asking, “How do I get over heartbreak,” are you considering the possibility that you’re standing in the way of your own success? If you’re not able to move forward, it might be because you’re sabotaging yourself at every turn. 

Sometimes, the best way to stop feeling that heartbreak is to take it into your own hands and refuse to allow yourself to keep feeling things as strongly as you are right now. Think about where you’ll be after you know how to fix heartbreak, and refuse to get sidetracked.

Ask the Right Questions: How to Prevent Heartbreak and How to Grow From Your Current Heartbreak

The goal is not just to heal from your current heartbreak. Sure, the answer to “How to make heartbreak go away” is a great piece of information. However, it’s not as useful as knowing how to prevent heartbreak - to an extent. 

As long as you form attachments to other people, there will always be the possibility of a broken heart. If you know the ins and outs of heartbreak, though, you’ll be better at taking care of yourself. That’s what Grit & Grace: 7 Steps to Survive Heartbreak is all about. This book helps you process and reframe your heartbreak, so you can become an even stronger person at the end of it all.

Heartbreak: How to Get Over It and Surpass Your Old Self

The idea of “getting over” heartbreak might seem strangely callous. After all, someone broke your heart, so don’t you deserve to feel sad for a bit? The truth is, while you certainly deserve to give yourself time to heal, you also need to move into a place where you can use that heartbreak to grow and change into a better person.

At the end of the day, every experience is an opportunity for growth. This includes heartbreak. Regardless of how much heartbreak you experienced, it’s completely possible for you to use that experience to grow into someone even better equipped to enter the dating game. You just need to follow the steps necessary to get there.


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