The Self-Esteem Blueprint
Dive deep into your psychology and learn how to truly accept yourself.
Every single person, no matter how confident, fears not being enough.
It is best to acknowledge your Shadow’s existence with a willingness to face it.
Section 3: Perfectionism
Perfectionism is a deeply ingrained pattern that with awareness, can be reframed and rewired.
Perfectionism is a deeply ingrained pattern that with awareness, can be reframed and rewired.
Section 5: Appreciate Yourself
A lack of appreciation has a personality and physiology all to its self.
A lack of appreciation has a personality and physiology all to its self.
Section 6: Sensitive
You never have to apologize for your sensitivity, and trying to conform will only lead to great pain.
You never have to apologize for your sensitivity, and trying to conform will only lead to great pain.
To trust yourself is ultimately to believe in yourself.
What does ‘reaching your potential’ mean to you?