• Make a list or write a paragraph (or few) on everything that you've ever done, not done, said or not said that still haunts you. Go as far back as you can remember.

  • The things that haunt you are clues as to where you have shame and or regret that needs to be let go of. Go through each incident from your list of haunts and “look” at them from the eyes of who you are today - not who you were when it happened. What is the lesson in each one? Hint: lessons are not to punish you or reveal any “bad” karma. Thats complete BS and 100 percent a result of cultural or community conditioning. Karma is designed to support your spiritual evolution, not to punish you.

  • Where did you learn the habit of self-punishment? Who in your family has been or is ridden with guilt all the time?

  • Who, besides yourself, do you struggle to forgive? Often where there is a lack of self-forgiveness theres also a tendency to hold onto grudges.

  • What does it give you to hold on to your regret and guilt over the situations that haunt you? Hint: a feeling of atonement, self-pity, an excuse to not move forward into the unknown…

  • How would it feel to forgive yourself?


  • Write a letter to yourself as a child. Tell her all the ways in which she might mess up and reassure her by telling her the lessons she’ll learn and that without lessons, she will never grow. Tell her it’s OK.

  • Sit quietly and comfortably and close your eyes. Takes a few deep breaths, and allow your body to gradually release tension. After about 5 minutes, imagine yourself as an old woman, nearing the end of her life, sitting in a rocking chair on a porch overlooking your favorite scenery. Then bring to mind a large and important decision you need to make. As an old woman reflecting on her life, which choice do you feel most regretful of making? Make the other choice.