Welcome to the Heartbreak Blueprint. I was inspired to create this based on the incredible heartbreak I experienced 5 years ago when my marriage ended and my mom died within months of each other. Although this blueprint tackles the pain of a breakup or a divorce, you will probably notice how you can apply to all iterations of heartbreak and loss.

I am extremely passionate about helping you navigate the brutal waters of your heartbreak and may this blueprint provide a roadmap to your healing. Please know that in addition to what I offer here, that having a trusted advisor in the form of a therapist or coach is highly advisable. When a relationship ends, especially if it was emotionally trying, the best thing you can do is find your way back to YOU, but please get as much help as you need for your pilgrimage. I know I did. We aren’t meant to this alone.

The sections in the blueprint are based entirely on my personal experience making it to the other side of my heartbreak better than I was before it happened. It is also based on how I coach my clients make it the other side of theirs, better.

That being said, my Self-Acceptance Blueprint will help you take your healing even further, and the Singles Blueprint will help you navigate choosing a better partner when you are ready to do so. The Couples Blueprint will prepare you to be your highest self in your next relationship and the Communication Blueprint will arm you with advanced communications tools. Take advantage of them all, including my focused workshops inside the Conscious Woman membership. Everything I teach I adopted into my own life in order to heal and take my life to the next level up.