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I have carefully researched and contemplated the concept of self - worth and what it actually means, especially since these days “self-worth” has become the buzz word in new age and pop psychology claims and dogmas. Self-worth is the amount of worthiness we feel as a person. It determines what we think we are capable of and what we feel we are deserving of. Self - worth is not about feelings. It’s not about I feel good vs I feel bad. Self worth is about an inner certainty that you can handle yourself, take care of yourself, meet your needs, and that you are deserving of what you want and are willing to work hard for. If you are human, you struggle with your worth; therefore, it is our life’s work to figure out ways to acknowledge, support, and raise our value. 

Inherently, you are worthy of help, attention and love - whether you feel it or not. But do you believe it? Do you believe that you are worth treating well? Before you move on, if you truly believe that you are not worth treating well (I don’t mean in a brief depressive moment, I mean truly believe this fundamentally and frequently) then please seek out professional help. 

Feeling not enough at times, jealous, or having areas of lowered self esteem are not the same - these are normal parts of life.

The conundrum of self-worth:

You are inherently worthy. But, that doesn't mean you shouldn’t strive to be a better person. Just because we are worthy doesn't mean that we are not capable of being less than what we are capable of being. It doesn't mean that we are not capable of and have been, unkind, manipulative, lazy and apathetic, to name a few. But if you understood that you are good enough even though you have some things you are ashamed of, then that would inspire you to: take risks, assert your needs, contribute, give and receive love(intimacy), and feel like your life has purpose. Feeling worthy in the face of all that we could potentially be ashamed of is ultimate self-acceptance.

Self-worth issues hide within:  boundary issues, unfulfilling relationships,  chronic self doubt and rumination, fear of abandonment, inability to say no, chronic feelings of not being enough. They can show up in career, money, love, friendships, and parenting. It’s also important to note that your confidence can be very healthy in one area of your life, and very low in another. It is not binary.

Some ways lowered feelings of worthiness manifest:

Shame: we ALL experience shame, I believe it is part of the human condition. Shame can be very insidious, living in our subconscious, directing our decisions unconsciously. Shame can be all encompassing, and when it is, there are usually unprocessed traumas that are responsible for it. I do believe there is a healthy shame. If you hurt someone because of your selfishness and/ or your ignorance, then it would be grandiose at best and psychopathic at worst to NOT be ashamed of yourself. But if that were the case, you owe it yourself to atone by making amends and taking responsibility. If you did this, and yet you still beat yourself up, that would become unhealthy toxic shame. 

Guilt: Guilt is better than shame, and is again, is part of the human condition, and is at times, a very healthy response. Guilt is I did something wrong, and shame is I am what is wrong. When guilt is a habit, which we women do indulge in more, then it becomes a sign of lowered self worth. Because the pattern says: I always mess up. I am responsible for things going badly, and the pattern says: I DON’T DESERVE TO FEEL FREE EMOTIONALLY. I believe women experience guilt more often because we have universally become the caretakers of the family which can be a heavy burden. If we are always taking care of others, it will inevitably feel like what we do is never enough. This mentality can become all encompassing in other areas of life.

Ruts: Ruts happen because of a fear of change, or the unknown. Even though ruts are uncomfortable, what people don’t realize is that to get out of them is an inside job. When you reach deeper levels of self acceptance and value, you’ll find yourself in shorter lasting “stuckness” because you’ll feel more confident to create change and to take a risk. When we question our competence, important life decisions can be crippling. We become fearful of what might happen and who we might disappoint. 

Low standards: Our standards dictate how we allow others to treat us, and we see this most often in romance and in work environments. It manifests as dating people who are not right for us, excepting low pay for our hard work, and in general not being able to ask for what you need.  because of fear of not getting it, or believing there’s no point anyway, and settling for relationships, jobs, and income that do not make us happy.

Porous Boundaries: People pleasing, over-empathizing, high levels of agreeableness on one side of the spectrum and controlling, relentless persuading, and over sharing on the other. Boundaries are meant to bend, shift, adapt and be flexible, but porous boundaries are non defined and offer no protection or respect of protection. When we feel more confident in who we are, we are able to create healthier boundaries. And when we create healthier boundaries, (even if clench our jaws as we do so) we then become more confident in ourselves.


  1. Action. Taking action is the long term solution to feelings of lowered worth, confidence and acceptance. This is the first step because it underscores my formula for addressing all issues of self worth in my own life and in the lives of those I help in any way. I want to encourage you to be proactive in your life because that really is the most important relationship - the relationship we have with ourselves is strengthened by how willing we are to engage with our life. No one and nothing can give us self worth, in the long term. We may feels the exhilarating rushes of dopamine induced self esteem boosts that we get from outside acknowledgement and approval, but it doesn't last. This isn't about self esteem anyway. This is about something much deeper. To wrestle with our value, not just as a human being but as YOU, is an inside job and always will be.

  2. Tend to your physiology: The way we hold our bodies is all the evidence we need to understand how we feel. Self- worth lives in the body. It lives in your chest, shoulders, neck, belly and low back. It resides in our breathing. Start breathing more deeply. Low self-worth is shallow, often held breath. Choose to do something different with your body by taking on a challenge. Start yoga, or if you are already a practitioner, approach it differently. Learn to swim, do trapeze - go outside of your comfort zone. This could be more rest and restore practices so you can breath and feel the emotions that are burrowed beneath your shame and guilt and start to let them go.

  3. Do more of the things that make you come alive. Do you love to dance? If so, are you dancing much? Do you love to socialize? Do you love to read, paint, do sports, help others, travel, learn, etc etc? How can you carve out time every single day to do something small that speaks to your heart and inspires you? How can you plan for larger events so that you can look forward to participating in them? Doing things that make you forget the clock is not only a sure way to enhance your life, but by showing yourself the respect to actually do them is a radical act of self care. And, self care increases positive feelings towards yourself. At the risk of sounding totally corny, it also up levels your energy to a higher peaks of frequency. These peaks effect our emotional states for the better.

  4. (Re)Acquaint yourself with YOU. What do you value on a deep core level? What would you need to value MORE in order to have the life that you want? What would you need to value LESS? What are your beliefs about money and love? Are those beliefs in conflict with what you desire? What beliefs belong to your parents and your community, but are not actually yours? What internal conflicts are you grappling with? What is most important you? Identifying, clarifying and aligning yourself with your value and belief systems are key to increasing a sense of wholeness and integration. When we feel more whole, we feel more worthy. If you are single and looking for love, you would have to align with, at least mostly, with the belief and value system of a potential mate in order to raise your chances of a healthy long term relationship. When you choose your beliefs and you define your values, you will raise your connection to self which will push you to raise your standards and increase your self-worth.

  5. Make peace with the parts of yourself you dislike, and stop apologizing for who you are. There are always going to be things about you that you don’t like, but are you are war with yourself? Although the line may seem fine, it is still very much a distinct line: There is a difference between doing the emotional labor to be a better version of yourself daily and completely berating yourself for not being good enough. The difference is MERCY. Can you show yourself mercy as much as you do judgement? At the end of the day, we are all just trying to be enough - but we must try to be enough for ourselves. We all live with our own mistakes in a way that no one else does. Only you know the full scope of your wrongs in life. That's why it can be really hard not to be our harshest critic. But there comes a point, more often as we age, (but my hope for everyone is sooner rather than later) where we have to simply accept ourselves good, and bad. This is how we begin to accept others, and how we invite others to accept us. Self-acceptance is at the root of all self-worth recovery. *to go deeper into this topic including understanding the Shadow, please refer to the Self-acceptance Roadmap inside the membership.

  6. Confront your past. None of us make it through our childhoods and adolescence unscathed. If your aim is to feel more connected, aligned and content with yourself, then you have to confront the parts of your past that have a chokehold on your present. We all have to consult with our shame, traumas, resentments and abandonments. They don’t go away by ignoring them and they have a pretty solid chance of healing when we pay attention. If you painfully struggle with your worth, then its time, perhaps with a professional, to review your history and locate the stories that are keeping you stuck in disempowering emotions and low confidence. Whenever we invest in our psycho-emotional health, we make a huge effort towards our self care and thus our future. This kind of investment is a huge self worth boost in itself because it says: “I am worth helping”.

  7. Self-Care. Self care comes in many forms, including investing in our well emotional wellbeing which can be hard and painful at times. But I must reiterate: Learning how to truly take of ourselves emotionally is very profound because it means that we no longer rely on others to take care of us. *Relying on others is extremely important for well functioning relationships. But we must also be response-able for ourselves independent of anyone else. When we are, we learn how to stand on our own two feet and that is huge for our self-worth. The basics of self care are too overlooked and undermined: clean your room. Make your bed. Feed yourself well, and hydrate. This is critical.

  8. Courage. The need for certainty is a foundational human need that cannot be ignored. But when it is the need we put before our need for adventure, fun and growth, we will suffer. We won't feel truly alive. This brings back step 1: in order to raise our self worth, we must engage in our lives; if we are too addicted to the familiar, we will stop engaging at the level we need to. We do not need fearlessness to live our lives we need courage. We need courage to take risks. This is the paradox: Low self worth will keep you in fear, but facing your fear will raise it. This is why we need courage - so we can bravely confront our fear of the unknown and of our past. Think of courage as a muscle, it grows as you use it. Build your courage muscle every day with small steps. The greater the fear, the more incremental your steps towards facing it should be. But keep going. This will catapult your inner certainty, and inner certainty = healthy self worth.

  9. Change your relationship to Failure and Rejection. Many who struggle with confidence and issues of lowered worth have a particular relationship with failure which says: If I make a mistake, I failed, if I make a mistake I am a failure, if I am rejected, then I am worthless, unwanted, and dispensable. Perfectionism is rooted in these disillusioned perspectives of failure and rejection. But its not your fault if this describes you. It just means you weren't taught any differently. But you can still learn. The people who’s “success” you admire have very strong beliefs in this arena. They believe Mistakes = lessons and rejection = protection and redirection. I personally know some one who gets excited every time she “fails” because she knows that she's going to learn so much which will in turn bring her closer to her goal. Granted, she learned this from her father, but it is never too late to make the switch - in fact, if you were to do the research, you would see that the biggest icons by anyone's standards did not let their failed attempts in life define them.

  10. Learn how to assert yourself. If you are an agreeable person by nature, then learning how to assert yourself is miraculous for self worth. As women, unless we were taught by example from our parents, we are not encouraged nor taught by society how to assert ourselves, and to do so effectively. This is a problem. When we do not assert ourselves, we become bitter and resentful. Resentment is hell. It eats away at a person, oppressing them to the point of rage. When you have something to say, you must say it in a way that makes you heard. There is an art to this, and the details to this can be found in the ASSERT YOURSELF training in the membership.

  11. Contribute. There is absolutely nothing that gets us out of our own heads, stories, worries, and concerns than giving outside of ourselves. To add value to another person’s life will raise your self-worth faster than anything else. Giving back (to people, society, a community, etc) is what each one of us was born to do. The scale of that does NOT matter in the slightest. If you want to increase your confidence and self worth, find someone or something to add value to. It could be through finding deeper meaning in your work, in your family, or something entirely new. Nothing will make you help you feel better about yourself than this.


  1. Where do you struggle the most with your worthiness? Is it in relationships? Work and money? In your family?

  2. Where did it originate from? Are you a perfectionist? Did you have a hard childhood?

  3. Pinpoint your beliefs: Answer each question and take your time: What beliefs do you have about relationships? For example, do you believe that they are scarce? Hard? That they never work out? Do you believe that no man or woman could ever truly love you? What beliefs do you have about money? Is it bad? Unattainable? Were you taught that to be noble you must under earn? What are your beliefs about your competency in life? Your flaws? Do you struggle with not being enough to the point that it is reducing the quality of your life?

  4. What makes you come truly alive - what truly lights you up? Are you willing to devote more time to it?

  5. How addicted are you to certainty, if you were to rate yourself on a scale of 0-10. In small ways, how can mix things up? Do some things differently?

  6. Think of 1 or more ways fear is showing up for you lately. Maybe it’s a fear of going off your routine, or having an important and necessary conversation. Maybe its showing up in your relationship with getting closer. How can you work on the COURAGE to do that which you are afraid of anyway? Do you feel more courageous after you exercise?

  7. Who, or what can you start contributing to?

Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself and advocate for your life. Be kinder to yourself and keep moving forward. The journey towards greater levels of self worth is just that - journey. There really is no end place, only deeper levels of self discovery and self acceptance.


  1. Keep at it. Every time you watch and do the workshop, you’ll get more out of it.

  2. Do the steps and apply it challenge. It works. The steps are exactly how I transformed my life and helped others do so too.

  3. To go super deep into transforming this part of your life, I strongly recommend: The Self-Esteem Blueprint, the Fear workshop, and the Boundaries workshop. Or you can access them all easily in the Conscious Woman Membership.



For at least 30 days, I’d like you to become proactive and take action:

- Commit to the things that inspire you. Maybe its a dance class, or spending more time with certain people, or going to see art exhibitions, or maybe it’s going back to school to get a degree.

- Find a way to give back.

- Practice self-care: aim at where you need it. Have you been putting off the dentist? The gyno? Do you need to make your bed more? Invest in your psycho-emotional health?

- Research (talk to people you admire, use google, etc) those who have what you want and find out their belief systems about rejection and failure. Success leaves clues and lets you know what is possible.