“A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone.”

The biggest mistake I’ve seen singles make is not taking that time to reflect on themselves and figure out what went wrong in their last relationships and why. We all have patterns in love, and it is up to us to figure out the ones that are hurting us and address them. We are the common denominator in all our relationships - it won’t help you to focus on what was wrong with your ex’s. However, you can and should take them into account when reflecting on what character and personality traits are good for you, and which ones are not. 

For example, if you were involved with a narcissist, then it does not serve you at all to waste time thinking about all the ways he or she was terrible. Instead, the question you must seek to answer is, “why did I get involved with this person?” The answer will most likely take some serious soul searching  - the kind I always encourage every single person, without exception, to do.

I don't want you to ever feel ashamed of wanting a relationship or for those moments when you feel acutely deprived of attention, praise, and touch. Part of feminine energy is to be a lover of love. We crave our own surrender, of letting go until we feel our softness again, until all the hard places in our bodies that have held our hurts finally decalcify, becoming wide open spaces ready to receive. It’s ok to long for your vulnerability. It is our greatest power, even though it’s foolishly devalued in our culture.

Unless you’re newly single and embracing your newfound freedom, chances are you’re a bit wary or confused by the state of your love life. Perhaps you’ve had a lot of disappointing experiences, or you’ve been ghosted, or you just haven't felt the right connection, or you feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the dating scene in the city or town you live in.

Perhaps this area of your life is the one area you think, ‘WTF, I just don’t get why it is so hard.”

Maybe you’re scared to get back in the game and have your heart broken and your expectations crushed. Maybe you really want a relationship, but you don't want the pain you associate to having one, so you push it to the back burner. 

This blueprint is designed to give you some of your power back so that you become the chooser instead of waiting to be chosen. So you have the confidence to date from a place of fullness, not from lack or fear. There is nothing wrong with you and you are most certainly are enough. But, you may be attracting the wrong people and then saying yes to these wrong people. I’m here to show you your blind spots and to inspire you to dig deeper if thats what you find you truly need. 

Absorb all the information at your own pace, and be sure to use the other blueprints and workshops available in the membership to further guide you towards yourself.


  • Do you want a loving relationship?

  • Why are you single? (try to give more than “I don’t know”)

  • Look at your answer carefully. Did you blame something outside of yourself such as “dating is really hard where I live”, or “there aren’t any good men?” , “Or everyone is taken?”

  • All these beliefs may have some accuracy, but are mostly fear of not getting what you truly desire. Write down all the fear that's hidden in your answer.

  • For example, if your answer is “I’m too busy”, look carefully to see if there’s a hidden fear of a relationship taking too much of your energy. Or if its “I haven't found the right person” Then explore if perhaps you’re afraid that you might never meet that person. Explore the possible fear of not being enough, or that no one else is good enough. etc.

  • What would a meaningful, loving relationship look and feel like for you? Get very descriptive.

  • Briefly, describe your ideal significant other from traits, hobbies, values and looks.